Weight Loss
Best and Simple Diet Plan to Loss Weight in 7 Days

There are lots of myths among people to follow the diet plan for weight loss. Sometimes, we use to do some crazy things in order to loss weight.
However, doctors and scientists have found numerous ways of the solution to this problem.
Today, I will share the Best and Simple Diet Plan to Loss Weight in 7 Days
Yes, this is for sure if you follow this simple plan you will be able to loss up to 5 kgs in a week.
So, let’s start with Best and Simple Diet Plan to Loss Weight in 7 Days

1. Drink A large amount of Water especially Before Every Meal
Lots of Dieticians and Doctors claimed that Drinking Plenty of water helps in reducing the weight and I must say that’s true.
Drinking plenty of water in a day not only boost your metabolism but also helps you to burn the calories
Studies show that drinking water before half an hour of the meal will keep you hydrated and will decrease your hunger also so that you will eat less as compared to hunger.
2. Try and Eat Eggs in Breakfast
As we all know that Eggs are the source of Protein especially the white part of the egg.
Studies show that eating a boiled egg in breakfast not only helps you eat calories for 30 to 36 hours but also helps in losing body fat and weight.
In case you don’t eat eggs that’s also fine any other source of protein instead of eggs can work for you.
3. Avoid Milk Tea and Drink Green Tea
In India Tea is our National Beverage and I myself love Tea. But do we know that drinking milk and sugar tea can leads the acidity and other gastric problems
Studies show that the people who use to drink Milk Tea more than thrice a day commonly face constipation and another type of gastric problems.
To avoid this problem and continue the taste of the Green Tea concept comes in a Healthy Way.
Just like coffee Green tea also contains a very small amount of Caffeine, However, it is loaded with a high amount of antioxidants which called catechins, which works synergetically with caffeine to decrease body fat.
Many studies have shown this that drinking 3 to 4 cups Green Tea in a day can help in weight loss and glowing skin.
You can purchase any variety of Green Tea available in the market but I Prefer to have Organic Tulsi Green Tea. You can buy it from TheGreatBargains as well.
4. Try and Drink Black Coffee as Much as You Can
Several studies show that drinking Black Coffee helps to increase the metabolism and reducing weight.
The amount of caffeine available in Coffee can boost your metabolism by 3- 12% and also, increase the fat burning up to 30%.
While making the Black Coffee just make sure that you don’t add sugar in the beverage adding sugar will give you no benefits.
You can shop the coffee anywhere online and offline both.
5. Avoid taking the Added Sugar Supplements and Food
As we all know Sugar is not good for health and added sugar items are never recommended.
Taking a high amount of sugar not only increases obesity but also can lead the serious illness like Type2 Diabetes and Heart Diseases etc.
So, avoid taking the sugar as much as you can
6. Eat Fresh Fruits and Vegetables as much as you can
7. Always keep healthy food around you when you feel hungry
8. Eat in Smaller Parts don’t full your stomach in one go.
9. Do some Aerobic Exercise or Yoga daily Half an Hour.
10. Get Maximum 8 Hours of Sound Sleep
11. Do some meditation and Yoga once in a day.
So, Above all are the Best and Simple Diet Plan to Loss Weight in 7 Days
· For your reference, I’m sharing Healthy Indian Simple Menu for one week Try and Follow the same.
·You can make changes or adjust the Menu according to your needs, dietary restrictions, and other food preferences
- Breakfast: Nariyal Chatni or Sambar with Light Brown Rice Idli
- Lunch: 2 Chapati with vegetable curry or Dal
- Dinner: Vegetable curry with a fresh spinach salad
- Breakfast: Boiled eggs or Chana dal pancakes with mixed vegetables and a glass of milk
- Lunch: Chickpea curry with brown rice
- Dinner: Khichdi with sprout salad
- Breakfast: Cornflakes with milk or oats etc.
- Lunch: 2 Chapati with vegetable curry or Dal and Vegetable Raita
- Dinner: Palak gravy with paneer and brown rice and salad
- Breakfast: Curd with sliced fruits and sunflower seeds mix.
- Lunch: Whole-grain roti with vegetable or dal
- Dinner: Chana Gravy with Brown rice and salad
- Breakfast: Milk or Veg Dalia with curd or glass of milk
- Lunch: Vegetable sambar with brown rice
- Dinner: Tofu and Potato Gravy with veg salad
- Breakfast: Multigrain parathas with pickle or curd or only sliced papaya
- Lunch: Large salad with rajma curry and curd
- Dinner: Lentil pancakes with tofu tikka masala or Dalia or khichdi
- Breakfast: Glass of Milk with Poha or Boiled Eggs
- Lunch: Vegetable soup with whole-grain roti
- Dinner: Masala-baked tofu with vegetable curry
Lots of techniques and treatments help you in losing weight but everything depends upon the dedication you have for this.
I’m sure if you implement the above Best and Simple Diet Plan to Loss Weight in 7 Days you will easily achieve the target of losing weight.